
E se a internet deixar de ser capitalista?

Em alternativa a sistemas como Uber e AirBnb, crescem duas ideias: as plataformas de Cooperativismo Digital; e o uso da rede para controle social sobre as finanças e o poder. Por que isso tem muito a ver com o Brasil?

"Die ganze politische Klasse ist involviert"

Am Vorabend des Jahrestages des Militärputsches vom 1. April 1964 kam es zu großen Demonstrationen im ganzen Land, um die aktuelle Regierung zu unterstützen. Interview mit Camila Moreno

Take the ports!

In the so-called large emerging economies of the South – in particular the BRICS countries – globalization’s imperative has been export-led growth, and these countries’ port cities have served as the platforms for this development strategy