Feminismos Internacionalistas

In recent years, feminist movements have become a strong and diverse transnational force that is challenging right-wing populism as well as authoritarian neoliberalism. They are coordinating the international feminist strikes on March 8 and generating other, ongoing spaces for dialogue and exchange across national borders.

This doesn’t mean making abstractions or generalizations from local differences. On the contrary, it seeks to paint a more complete picture of the interlocking systems of oppression, on which the global capitalist market is based, and to find common ground between struggles. In this way, feminist movements simultaneously act both locally and transnationally, deconstructing traditional ideas of what internationalism should look like, enacting a new form of internationalism based on creating everyday connections between situated struggles.

We accompany the construction of those transnational feminist networks that have a left, intersectional, antipatriarchal, anticapitalist and socio-ecological perspective, which are strongly rooted in the Global South. That accompaniment also includes the promotion of platforms for dialogue with more traditional actors and institutions, as well as strengthening and expanding the networks and coordination between movements, in order to build radical democratic systems that put our collective well-being at the center.


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These statements come from a virtual transnational debate on the feminist strike organized on February 8, 2023 by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. This meeting was attended by over 60 activists of feminist organizations from various countries. ...

This material was produced in workshops among domestic workers and feminists from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Mexico, Spain and Germany to raise their demands for March 8. Domestic workers, who are protagonists of care every day, will also be protagonists of the struggles on 8M....

What are the points of contact between totalitarianisms and right-wing shift in societies marked by hatred towards gays, lesbians, and trans people. The violent defense of the privileges of powerful heterosexual white men seems to lie behind both processes. Thus, it is no easy fight....

This is about nothing less than the question of how political organizations can create structures and a culture that enable women and other disadvantaged groups to participate equally, free of discrimination, and in this way become more democratic. ...

The Acción Trans Combativa collective in Madrid is a strong force within the fight against fascism and conservatism, as well as within the feminist movement. Interview with Kiar Ciotoli....