
Loss and Damage! – What about Climate Just Politics?

On 12 December 2015, at 7:26 pm, Laurent Fabius banged his gavel – and cheers broke out at the Le Bourget congress centre near Paris. Thousands of people embraced each other, laughed, took photos and applauded for minutes on end. After two weeks of dramatic negotiations, the plenum of the climate conference had adopted a new climate agreement and French foreign minister and President of the conference Laurent Fabius closed the historic event. By Juliane Schumacher, RSL

Democrats, Republicans, and the Crisis of U.S. Politics

The closest commentator that the contemporary United States has to Mark Twain, satirist and television host Bill Maher, surveyed the sorry state of American politics midway through the 2016 election season and declared, “Our system sucks. The Constitution needs a Page One rewrite”

A arte e o Bem Viver

Promovidas pela Fundação Rosa Luxemburgo, visitas guiadas na 32ª da Bienal de São Paulo colocaram o Bem Viver no centro do debate. Obras trouxeram denúncias aos fluxos extrativistas e desenvolvimentistas predatórios, e reflexões e propostas de como descolonizar o pensamento

Rosa Luxemburgo: a revolução deve agir na base

Confira trecho sobre Rosa Luxemburgo do novo livro de Michael Löwy e Olivier Besancenot, «Afinidades revolucionárias, nossas estrelas vermelhas e negras», publicado pela Editora Unesp