6 years after the 1° Feminist Strike. Difficulties, continuances and challenges for the fight

At Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo, we think that several years after the first strike it is interesting to ponder the continuity of internationalist bonds, historical lessons learned and current challenges.

The context we live in is different from that of the first feminist strike on March 8, 2017. That year 57 countries joined the strike. The following year they were over 100. In 2019 the international alliance for the call to strike reached 150 countries, the highest point, just before the pandemic.

In recent years, the dynamism and mass character of the movement in various regions and countries has declined, demands have changed, due to achievements, but also to setbacks, which require more defensive struggles. Even though March 8 keeps its strong international stamp as the most important date for feminisms, the possibilities of organizing and promoting a mass labor strike of women and dissident groups is subject today to different realities.

In these videos we synthesize the interventions of organized feminist comrades from Argentina, Chile, the Spanish State, Italy and Germany in a virtual meeting attended by over 60 members of organizations from different countries and regions.

The first video addresses the feminist strike process and what happened to it after the pandemic; the second, reflects on the positive elements and lessons drawn from the process; and the last one focuses on the difficulties and challenges of the strike for the future. Far from trying to exhaust the assessments and reflections that will be collective and always unfinished, we hope that the material helps inspire new debates in the organizations and activism to renew the slogans, the articulations and the power of the 8M feminist strike.

Speakers: Luci Cavallero, Camilla De Ambroggi, Karina Nohales, Kristin Ideler, Patricia Aranguren. Script and edition: Juliana Díaz Lozano, Lucía Fernández Ares.

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