
The Global Crisis of Displacement and Evictions

The world is living through an unprecedented housing crisis. Approximately 1.6 billion people are considered to be inadequately housed, while one hundred million are homeless and another sixty million have been displaced from their homes.

Migration In Greece

This booklet has two goals. First of all, to deconstruct the numerous social myths that revolve around migration in Greece with well-founded facts, thus contributing to a well-rounded and multi-facetted understanding of the migration issue. Second, to propose, through this deconstruction, a realistic but also fair policy on migration, a true left-wing policy.

The coldest summer

The stories are based on the autobiographical narratives of refugees we met in Athens and in Berlin. They are stories we heard by chance. The protagonists of the stories are people who could have been members of our family, our friends or our neighbours. They are, beyond doubt, people who, some day, will be recognised as fellow human beings in our societies and in our spaces. Let us welcome them.

The coldest summer

The stories are based on the autobiographical narratives of refugees we met in Athens and in Berlin. They are stories we heard by chance. The protagonists of the stories are people who could have been members of our family, our friends or our neighbours. They are, beyond doubt, people who, some day, will be recognised as fellow human beings in our societies and in our spaces. Let us welcome them.

A crise da esquerda na Europa (e na América Latina)

Debate com Alex Demirović, Bruno Cava, Isabel Loureiro, Jean Tible e Jorge Grespan. Lançamento de “A Crise na Europa e o regime de acumulação com dominância financeira” de Alex Demirović e Thomas Sablowski

REDD+ traz problemas, não soluções

A pequena agricultura camponesa está sendo alvo de uma série de falsas soluções para a mudança climática, promovidas agressivamente, enquanto a agricultura industrial e empresarial continua fazendo seus negócios de sempre. Um desses programas é chamado de REDD+.

Gärtners Böcke und Teufels Detail

Vier Monate nach dem Dammbruch bei Mariana wurde in Brasilien ein Vertrag unterzeichnet, der die Entschädigungszahlungen und Aufräumarbeiten regeln soll. Wie immer, der Teufel steckt im Detail.

Mistérios de uma barbearia

O filme apresenta um barbeiro e cabeleireira, que se envolvem em cenas grotescas e surreais no salão em que trabalham. A exibição é parte do Ciclo de Cinema Bertolt Brecht. Após, haverá o comentário de Tercio Redondo. Venha assistir! Teremos pipoca.

Wer oder was sind die Linken?

Im Juni 2013 nahm die Weltöffentlichkeit erstaunt zur Kenntnis, mit welcher Verve sich in Brasilien sozialer Protest auf der Straße regte. Doch spätestens seit der Fußball-WM im Sommer 2014 ist davon nichts mehr zu spüren. Die Arbeiterpartei PT und ihr Umfeld sieht sich von den Konservativen in die Defensive gedrängt. Das beruht nicht unerheblich auf eigenen Versäumnissen.