
8M: Voices from the movement

These statements come from a virtual transnational debate on the feminist strike organized on February 8, 2023 by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. This meeting was

8M: Domestic workers as protagonists of care and struggle

This material was produced in workshops among domestic workers and feminists from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Mexico, Spain and Germany to raise their demands for March 8. Domestic workers, who are protagonists of care every day, will also be protagonists of the struggles on 8M.

A 6 años de la primera Huelga internacional feminista del 8M

En estos videos sintetizamos las intervenciones de compañeras feministas organizadas de Argentina, Chile, Estado Español, Italia y Alemania en un encuentro virtual donde participaron más de 60 integrantes de organizaciones de diferentes países y regiones.

Ciudades sin Miedo

Por qué el movimiento municipalista tiene que ser internacionalista

Städte ohne Angst

Ein internationales Netzwerk von Aktivist*innen, Organisationen, Stadtverordneten und Bürgermeister*innen setzt sich für für eine Radikalisierung der Demokratie, eine Feminisierung der Politik und einen Übergang zu einer alternativen Wirtschaft ein. Ein Enblick.

Beyond Private Power of Employers and Precarity: Towards Municipalization of Paid Domestic Work

The precarious personalized paid domestic work relation can be transformed through municipalization. Going beyond the current legal framework, formalization of domestic work is only possible if the state authority situates itself as the principal employer. Municipalization of domestic work will make it a public good and constitute domestic workers as public employees. This stands to benefit not only domestic workers, but the larger community of households. The cost of the municipalization of domestic work would be collectively borne through municipal taxes. The present context is apt for such interventions given emerging trends of re-municipalization of certain services and public utilities in recent years in some European countries and parts of Latin America. In countries where municipalities are rendering services and utilities to large impoverished sections of society, domestic work can be added on as municipal service.