
“In a broader context of capitalist accumulation, the BRICS are acting based on a logic of competition over natural resources and market access that is imperialist in nature and is taking colonialism back to Africa in modern times”...

Let´s take a closer look at the European Left. Which parties are of particular relevance, and where do they stand politically? What is dominant: programmatic parallels or national differences? How was the Left able to organize on the European scale?...

Los problemas del PT tienen difícil solución en cualquiera de los escenarios imaginables. Quienes todo lo apuestan al carisma de Lula pueden equivocarse feo si hubiera elecciones este mismo año. Pero los riesgos también son grandes a mediano plazo, ya que el gobierno de Temer...

The Brexit vote will exacerbate the centrifugal forces in Europe and intensify right-wing hegemony. On Twitter people are stating, «Look who’s clapping», while pointing to Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump and Geert Wilders. Clearly then, there is a strong possibility that nationalism and xenophobia will...

Entre todos los problemas en el trabajo del siglo XXI -el auge de un sector de servicios con bajos salarios, la desigualdad económica, el desmoronamiento de los derechos de los trabajadores-el principal problema, en realidad, es que hay muy pocas alternativas realistas....

Among all the problems with 21st-century work — the ballooning of the low wage service sector, economic inequality, the crumbling of worker rights — the main problem really is that there are so few realistic alternatives....